CHILLIDA – ELOGIOS. Antonio Lauzurika
Euskadiko Orkestra
Several venues
15, 16, 19, 20 and 21.02.2024
The Euskadiko Orkestra has commissioned a commemorative work from the Basque composer Antonio Lauzurika to pay tribute to the centenary of Eduardo Chillida. In the words of the composer, “transferring part of what Chillida's work suggests to music requires establishing a dialogue between two worlds that may seem very different but in fact are not. Concepts such as space, limits, mass, scale, gravity, surface, density and texture are ideas that are also present in music or may have a certain metaphorical reflection in it."
Taking the term “praise” so recurrent in Chillida's work, Lauzurika has created the work Chillida-Elogios, articulated in four movements, each of them dealing with a work, concept or material related to the artist.
February 15-16 - Kursaal, Donostia-San Sebastián
February 19 - Principal, Vitoria-Gasteiz
February 20 - Baluarte, Pamplona-Iruña
February 21 - Euskalduna, Bilbao