This essential bibliography presents a selection from among the substantial number of publications on the person and the work of Eduardo Chillida. It records some of the most important catalogues of individual exhibitions – given their magnitude and the essays they contain – monographs, writings by the artist himself, as well as the catalogues raisonné of graphic works and sculpture.
Bachelard, Gaston
Derrière le Miroir 90-91
Paris: Maeght Éditeur, 1956
Barañano, Kosme María de, and Ina Busch
Eduardo Chillida
Barcelona: Ediciones Polígrafa, 1999
English edition
Eduardo Chillida
French edition
Eduardo Chillida
German edition
Eduardo Chillida
Barañano, Kosme María de, and Ina Busch
Eduardo Chillida. Praise of Iron
Valencia: IVAM Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, 1998
Barañano, Kosme María de, Gabriel Celaya, José Corredot-Matheos, Octavio Paz, Werner Schmalenbach, Franz Meyer, and Blas Fernández
Chillida. Human scale
Gijón: Caja de Ahorros de Asturias, 1991; Bilbao: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia,, 1991
Barañano, Kosme María de, Ina Busch, Matthias Bärmann, Tomás Llorens, and José Ángel Valente
Chillida 1948-1998
Madrid: Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, y Aldeasa, 1999
Barañano, Kosme María de, José Ángel VALENTE, Werner Schmalenbach, eta Gabriel Celaya
Chillida in San Sebastián
Donostia-San Sebastián: Sociedad Guipuzcoana de Ediciones y Publicaciones, 1992
Barañano, Kosme, and Lorenzo Fernández-Ordóñez
Mount Tindaya
Fuerteventura: Gobierno de Canarias, 1997
Barañano, Kosme María de
The artistic work of Eduardo Chillida
Bilbao: Caja de Ahorros Vizcaína, 1988
Bazal, Luis
Comb of the Wind
Pamplona: Q Editions, 1986
Bozal, Valeriano
Summa Artis. 20th Century Spanish Painting and Sculpture
Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1992
Bussmann, Klaus, Werner Schmalenbach, Franz Meyer, Octavio Paz, and August Nitschke
Eduardo Chillida. Zeichnung als Skulptur 1948-1989
Bonn: Städtisches Kunstmuseum Bonn; Munster: Westfälisches Landesmuseum Münster, 1989
Carandente, Giovanni, and Eduardo Chillida
Chillida. Open-Air Sculptures
Barcelona: Ediciones Polígrafa, 2003
Chillida. Open-Air Sculptures
Spanish edition
Chillida. Public Sculpture
Barcelona: Polígrafa; Hauser & Wirth Publishers, 2019
Carandente, Giovanni, and Eduardo Chillida
Omaggio a Eduardo Chillida
Venice: Edizioni La Biennale di Venezia, 1990
Celaya, Gabriel
Bilbao: Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 1981
Chillida, Ignacio, Hank Hine, Nausica Sánchez, and William Jeffet
Memory, Mind, Matter. The Sculpture of Eduardo Chillida
St. Petersburg: The Dalí Museum, 2017
Chillida, Ignacio, Alberto Cobo, and Kosme de Barañano
Eduardo Chillida I (1948-1973).Catalogue Raisonné of Sculpture
Donostia-San Sebastiá: Editorial Nerea, 2014
Chillida, Ignacio, Alberto Cobo, and Christa Lichtenstern
Eduardo Chillida IV (1991-2002). Catalogue Raisonné of Sculpture
Donostia-San Sebastián: Editorial Nerea, 2021
Chillida, Ignacio, Alberto Cobo, and Ina Busch
Eduardo Chillida II (1974-1982). Catalogue Raisonné of Sculpture
Donostia-San Sebastián: Editorial Nerea, 2016
Chillida, Ignacio, Alberto Cobo, and Renato Bocchi
Eduardo Chillida III (1983-1990). Catalogue Raisonné of Sculpture
Donostia-San Sebastián: Editorial Nerea, 2019
Chillida, Ignacio, Annabelle Ténéze, and Eduardo Chillida
Eduardo Chillida. Zero Gravity
Paris: Dilecta, 2018
Chillida, Ignacio, Inés Ruiz de Artola, Nausica Sánchez, Pedro Ordoñez Eslava, and Germán Gan-Quesada
Eduardo Chillida. Sounds
Wroclaw: Wroclaw 2016 and BWA Wroclaw, 2016
Chillida, Ignacio, José Ángel Valente, Andrés Nagel, Nausica Sánchez, and Fundación Eduardo Chillida - Pilar Belzince
Madrid: La Fábrica; Hernani: Museo Chillida Leku, 2005
Chillida, Ignacio, José Ángel Valente, Andrés Nagel, Nausica Sánchez, and Fundación Eduardo Chillida - Pilar Belzunce
Madrid: Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 1994
Chillida, Ignacio, José Ángel Valente, Andrés Nagel, Nausica Sánchez, and Fundación Eduardo Chillida - Pilar Belzunce
Donostia-San Sebastián: Gipuzkoa Donostia Kutxa / kubo-kutxa Aretoa, 2014
Chillida, Susana
Eulogy to the Horizon. Conversations with Eduardo Chillida
Barcelona: Ediciones Destino, 2003
Dupin, Jacques
Zurich: Galerie Maeght, 1978
Esteban, Claude
Paris: Maeght Éditeur, 1971
Ezquiaga, Mitxel
Museo Chillida-Leku. A utopia come true
Hernani: Chillida-Leku, 2001
Spanish and Basque edition
A utopia come true
Hernani: Chillida-Leku, 2004
French and English edition
A utopia come true
Hernani: Chillida-Leku, 2004
Fullaondo, Juan Daniel
Derrière le Miroir 174
Paris: Maeght Éditeur, 1968
Giedion-Welcker, Carola
Derrière le Miroir 143
Paris: Maeght Éditeur, 1964
Giralt-Miracle, Daniel, Francisco Jarauta, and Fernando Marzá
Chillida Leku
Barcelona: Fundació Caixa Catalunya, 1997
Gómez Pin, Víctor, Tomás Llorens, Katharina Schmidt, and Kosme María de Barañano
Barcelona: Fundació Joan Miró, 2003
Hammacher, A. M., Eduard Trier, and Kosme María de Barañano
Schwäbisch Hall: Kunsthalle Würth; Künzelsau: Swiridoff Verlag, 2001
Hammacher, A. M., Gaston Bachelard, James Johnson Sweeney, Octavio Paz, Edmond Jabès, Yves Bonnefoy, Jacques Dupin, et al
Paris: Éditions du Jeu de Paume, and Réunion des musées nationaux, 2001
HohlL, Reinhold, Edmond Jabès, José Antonio Fernández Ordoñez, and José Miguel Ullán
Barcelona: Fundació Joan Miró, 1986
Iturbe, Mercedes, Octavio Paz, A. M. Hammacher, Gaston Bachelard, James Johnson Sweeney, Edmond Jabès, Yves Bonnefoy, et al
México D. F.: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, y Landucci Editores, 2002
Klar, Alexander, Lea Schafër, Guido Schlimbach, and Nausica Sánchez
Eduardo Chillida. Architect of Void
Cologne: Verlag der Bucchandlung Walther König, 2018
Lichtenstern, Christa, Barbara Münkner, and Mario Teres
Chillida und die Musik
Cologne: Wienand Verlag Köln, 1997
Maeght, Adrien, Ignacio Chillida, Henri-François Debailleux, Henri-François Régnier, and Nausica Sánchez
Eduardo Chillida
Saint-Paul de Vence: Fondation Maeght, 2011
Matos Castaño, Beatriz
Eduardo Chillida, architect
Madrid: E.T.S.A. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2015
Mennekes, Friedhelm, Marisa Oropesa, Dimitri Ozerkov, and Mauricio Sotelo
Chillida. Silent music
Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2003
Messer, Thomas M., and Kosme María de Barañano
Eduardo Chillida. Eine Retrospektive
Frankfurt: Kulturgesellschaft Frankfurt mbH, 1993
Meyer, Franz
Eduardo Chillida
Basel: Kunsthalle Basel, 1962
Müller, Markus, Nausica Sánchez, and Friedhelm Mennekes
Eduardo Chillida
Munster: Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster; Munich: Hirmer Verlag, 2012
Schmalenbach, Werner
Eduardo Chillida. Zeichnungen: Akte, 1948-1951
Frankfurt: Propyläen, 1977
Spanish edition
Eduardo Chillida. Drawings: Nudes, 1948-1951
Barcelona: Ediciones Polígrafa, 1979
Schulz-Hoffmann, Carla, and Thomas W. Gaehtgens
Eduardo Chillida. Searching for Light
Munich: Pinakothek-Dumont, 2002
Sweeney, James Johnson
Eduardo Chillida
Houston: The Museum of Fine Arts, 1966
New York: Harry N. Abrams Incorporated, 1986
Basque edition
Vitoria-Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritza, 1986
Ugalde, Martin
Talking to Chillida. Life and Work (period 1924-1975)
Bilbao: Editorial Txertoa, 1975
Ugarte, Luxio
Chillida: questions and answers
Donostia-San Sebastián: Erein Argitaletxea, 1995
Volboudt, Pierre
Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1967
Basque edition
Publisher Gustavo Gili, 1967
Van Der Koelen, Martín
Catalogue raisonne of the original prints 1959-1972
Munich: Chorus Verlag, , 1999
Van Der Koelen, Martín
Catalogue raisonne of the original prints 1973-1985
Munich: Chorus Verlag, 1997
Van Der Koelen, Martín
Catalogue raisonne of the original prints 1986-1996
Munich: Chorus Verlag, 1996.
Van Der Koelen, Martín
Catalogue raisonne of the original prints 1996-2001
Munich: Chorus Verlag, 2005